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Supply Chain Development and Market Opportunities

Fair Venture Consulting provides advice to companies on how to improve the sourcing, processing and supply of natural ingredients. This includes supplier audits, gap analysis and business and export planning. Advice is also provided on market opportunities for a wide range of natural ingredients, especially those used in the cosmetics industry.

Market Access Requirements

Fair Venture Consulting advises suppliers in developing countries on the market access requirements for the cosmetics and pharmaceuticals sectors and for novel foods. Fair Venture Consulting also maintains close contacts with buyers in the European Union.

Fair Trade

Fair Venture Consulting has considerable experience in Fair Trade, identifying Fair Trade suppliers, developing Fair Trade supply chains, developing and implementing Fair Trade standards.

Novel Food Applications

Fair Venture Consulting has experience in Novel Food applications for traditional foods from developing countries.

Institutional Analysis, Feasibility Studies and Evaluations

Fair Venture Consulting carries out institutional and sector analyses, feasibility studies and project evaluations. This work can be followed by developing export development programmes and supporting the implementation of these programmes.

Training and Information

Fair Venture Consulting provides training and information for exporters and sector level organisations on market developments and market access requirements.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.